
Coping with persistent and overwhelming feelings of worry, fear, or apprehension that can interfere with daily life. It often manifests physically through symptoms like rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, and restlessness. 


Assistance with managing persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest or pleasure in activities that were once enjoyable. 

Adjustment difficulties & disorders 

Adapting to particular life stressors or change can be extremely challenging. Stressors might include significant life events such as relationship issues, job loss, relocation, or financial problems.  

Life transitions

Managing difficult or significant life changes, such as living alone, getting married, having a child, retirement, bereavement, aging and retiring, military deployment/returning home from deployment, aging and retirement planning. 

Stress management 

The goal of stress management is to enhance your resilience, improve your ability to handle challenges, and maintain overall balance and health amidst life’s demands. 

Caregiver stress 

Learning ways to  cope with caregiver burnout as well as, physical, mental and emotional exhaustion, experienced by caregivers. 

Chronic Illness

Teaching how to the manage the complexity of chronic illness along with emotional and psychological challenges.


 Receiving a diagnosis; adjusting to lifestyle and medication changes; coping with related changes in mood, emotions, and relationships; managing symptoms and stress

Objective of Services